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The recipe spec#

rattler-build implements a new recipe spec, different from the traditional "meta.yaml" file used in conda-build. A recipe has to be stored as a recipe.yaml file.


A discussion was started on what a new recipe spec could or should look like. The fragments of this discussion can be found here.

The reason for a new spec are:

  • make it easier to parse (i.e. "pure YAML"); conda-build uses a mix of comments and Jinja to achieve a great deal of flexibility, but it's hard to parse the recipe with a computer
  • iron out some inconsistencies around multiple outputs (build vs. build/script and more)
  • remove any need for recursive parsing & solving
  • finally, the initial implementation in boa relied on conda-build; rattler-build removes any dependency on Python or conda-build and reimplements everything in Rust

Major differences from conda-build#

  • recipe filename is recipe.yaml, not meta.yaml
  • outputs have less complicated behavior, keys are same as top-level recipe (e.g. build/script, not just script and package/name, not just name)
  • no implicit meta-packages in outputs
  • no full Jinja2 support: no conditional or {% set ... support, only string interpolation; variables can be set in the toplevel "context" which is valid YAML
  • Jinja string interpolation needs to be preceded by a dollar sign at the beginning of a string, e.g. - ${{ version }} in order for it to be valid YAML
  • selectors use a YAML dictionary style (vs. comments in conda-build). Instead of - somepkg #[osx] we use:
    if: osx
      - somepkg
  • skip instruction uses a list of skip conditions and not the selector syntax from conda-build (e.g. skip: ["osx", "win and py37"])


The recipe spec has the following parts:

  • context: to set up variables that can later be used in Jinja string interpolation
  • package: defines name, version etc. of the top-level package
  • source: points to the sources that need to be downloaded in order to build the recipe
  • build: defines how to build the recipe and what build number to use
  • requirements: defines requirements of the top-level package
  • test: defines tests for the top-level package
  • outputs: a recipe can have multiple outputs. Each output can and should have a package, requirements and test section

Spec reference#

The spec is also made available through a JSON Schema (which is used for validation).
The schema (and pydantic source file) can be found in this repository: recipe-format

To use with VSCode(yaml-plugin) and other IDEs:

Either start the document with the following line:

# yaml-language-server: $schema=
Or, using yaml.schemas,
yaml.schemas: {
  "": "**/recipe.yaml",
Read more about this here.

See more in the automatic linting chapter.


# this sets up "context variables" (in this case name and version) that
# can later be used in Jinja expressions
  version: 1.1.0
  name: imagesize

# top level package information (name and version)
  name: ${{ name }}
  version: ${{ version }}

# location to get the source from
  url:${{ name[0] }}/${{ name }}/${{ name }}-${{ version }}.tar.gz
  sha256: f3832918bc3c66617f92e35f5d70729187676313caa60c187eb0f28b8fe5e3b5

# build number (should be incremented if a new build is made, but version is not incrementing)
  number: 1
  script: python -m pip install --no-deps --ignore-installed .

# the requirements at build and runtime
    - python
    - pip
    - python

# tests to validate that the package works as expected
  - python:
        - imagesize

# information about the package
  license: MIT
  summary: 'Getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif file'
  description: |
    This module analyzes jpeg/jpeg2000/png/gif image header and
    return image size.

# the below is conda-forge specific!
    - somemaintainer

Package section#

Specifies package information.

  name: bsdiff4
  version: "2.1.4"
  • name: The lower case name of the package. It may contain "-", but no spaces.
  • version: The version number of the package. Use the PEP-386 verlib conventions. Cannot contain "-". YAML interprets version numbers such as 1.0 as floats, meaning that 0.10 will be the same as 0.1. To avoid this, put the version number in quotes so that it is interpreted as a string.

Source section#

Specifies where the source code of the package is coming from. The source may come from a tarball file, git, hg, or svn. It may be a local path and it may contain patches.

Source from tarball or zip archive#

  md5: 29f6089290505fc1a852e176bd276c43
  sha1: f0a2c9a30073449cfb7d171c57552f3109d93894
  sha256: 5a022ff4c1d1de87232b1c70bde50afbb98212fd246be4a867d8737173cf1f8f

If an extracted archive contains only 1 folder at its top level, its contents will be moved 1 level up, so that the extracted package contents sit in the root of the work folder.

Source from git#

  # branch: master # note: defaults to fetching the repo's default branch

You can use rev to pin the commit version directly:

  rev: "50a1f7ed6c168eb0815d424cba2df62790f168f0"

Or you can use the tag:

  tag: "1.1.4"

git can also be a relative path to the recipe directory:

  git: ../../bsdiff4/.git
  tag: "1.1.4"

Furthermore, if you want to fetch just the current "HEAD" (this may result in non-deterministic builds), then you can use depth.

  depth: 1 # note: the behaviour defaults to -1

Note: tag or rev may not be available within commit depth range, hence we don't allow using rev or the tag and depth of them together if not set to -1.

  tag: "1.1.4"
  depth: 1 # error: use of `depth` with `rev` is invalid, they are mutually exclusive

When you want to use git-lfs, you need to set lfs: true. This will also pull the lfs files from the repository.

  git: ../../bsdiff4/.git
  tag: "1.1.4"
  lfs: true # note: defaults to false

Source from a local path#

If the path is relative, it is taken relative to the recipe directory. The source is copied to the work directory before building.

    path: ../src
    use_gitignore: false # note: defaults to true

By default, all files in the local path that are ignored by git are also ignored by rattler-build. You can disable this behavior by setting use_gitignore to false.


Patches may optionally be applied to the source.

    #[source information here]
      - my.patch # the patch file is expected to be found in the recipe

Destination path#

Within rattler-build's work directory, you may specify a particular folder to place the source into. rattler-build will always drop you into the same folder ([build folder]/work), but it's up to you whether you want your source extracted into that folder, or nested deeper. This feature is particularly useful when dealing with multiple sources, but can apply to recipes with single sources as well.

  #[source information here]
  target_directory: my-destination/folder

Source from multiple sources#

Some software is most easily built by aggregating several pieces.

The syntax is a list of source dictionaries. Each member of this list follows the same rules as the single source. All features for each member are supported.


  - url:
    target_directory: stuff
  - url:
    target_directory: stuff
  - git:
    target_directory: boa

Here, the two URL tarballs will go into one folder, and the git repo is checked out into its own space. git will not clone into a non-empty folder.

Build section#

Specifies build information.

Each field that expects a path can also handle a glob pattern. The matching is performed from the top of the build environment, so to match files inside your project you can use a pattern similar to the following one: "**/myproject/**/*.txt". This pattern will match any .txt file found in your project. Quotation marks ("") are required for patterns that start with a *.

Recursive globbing using ** is also supported.

Build number and string#

The build number should be incremented for new builds of the same version. The number defaults to 0. The build string cannot contain "-". The string defaults to the default rattler-build build string plus the build number.

  number: 1
  string: abc

Dynamic linking#

This section contains settings for the shared libraries and executables.

    rpath_allowlist: ["/usr/lib/**"]

Python entry points#

The following example creates a Python entry point named "bsdiff4" that calls bsdiff4.cli.main_bsdiff4().

      - bsdiff4 = bsdiff4.cli:main_bsdiff4
      - bspatch4 = bsdiff4.cli:main_bspatch4


By default, rattler-build uses a file on Unix (macOS and Linux) and a build.bat file on Windows, if they exist in the same folder as the recipe.yaml file. With the script parameter you can either supply a different filename or write out short build scripts. You may need to use selectors to use different scripts for different platforms.

  # A very simple build script
  script: pip install .

  # The build script can also be a list
    - pip install .
    - echo "hello world"
    - if: unix
        - echo "unix"

Skipping builds#

Lists conditions under which rattler-build should skip the build of this recipe. Particularly useful for defining recipes that are platform-specific. By default, a build is never skipped.

    - win

Architecture-independent packages#

Allows you to specify "no architecture" when building a package, thus making it compatible with all platforms and architectures. Architecture-independent packages can be installed on any platform.

Assigning the noarch key as generic tells conda to not try any manipulation of the contents.

  noarch: generic

noarch: generic is most useful for packages such as static JavaScript assets and source archives. For pure Python packages that can run on any Python version, you can use the noarch: python value instead:

  noarch: python


At the time of this writing, noarch packages should not make use of preprocess-selectors: noarch packages are built with the directives which evaluate to true in the platform it is built on, which probably will result in incorrect/incomplete installation in other platforms.

Include build recipe#

The recipe and rendered recipe.yaml file are included in the package_metadata by default. You can disable this by passing --no-include-recipe on the command line.


There are many more options in the build section. These additional options control how variants are computed, prefix replacements, and more. See the full build options for more information.

Requirements section#

Specifies the build and runtime requirements. Dependencies of these requirements are included automatically.

Versions for requirements must follow the conda/mamba match specification. See build-version-spec.


Tools required to build the package.

These packages are run on the build system and include things such as version control systems (git, svn) make tools (GNU make, Autotool, CMake) and compilers (real cross, pseudo-cross, or native when not cross-compiling), and any source pre-processors.

Packages which provide "sysroot" files, like the CDT packages (see below), also belong in the build section.

    - git
    - cmake


Represents packages that need to be specific to the target platform when the target platform is not necessarily the same as the native build platform. For example, in order for a recipe to be "cross-capable", shared libraries requirements must be listed in the host section, rather than the build section, so that the shared libraries that get linked are ones for the target platform, rather than the native build platform. You should also include the base interpreter for packages that need one. In other words, a Python package would list python here and an R package would list mro-base or r-base.

    - ${{ compiler('c') }}
    - if: linux
        - ${{ cdt('xorg-x11-proto-devel') }}
    - python


When both "build" and "host" sections are defined, the build section can be thought of as "build tools" - things that run on the native platform, but output results for the target platform (e.g. a cross-compiler that runs on linux-64, but targets linux-armv7).

The PREFIX environment variable points to the host prefix. With respect to activation during builds, both the host and build environments are activated. The build prefix is activated before the host prefix so that the host prefix has priority over the build prefix. Executables that don't exist in the host prefix should be found in the build prefix.

The build and host prefixes are always separate when both are defined, or when ${{ compiler() }} Jinja2 functions are used. The only time that build and host are merged is when the host section is absent, and no ${{ compiler() }} Jinja2 functions are used in meta.yaml.


Packages required to run the package.

These are the dependencies that are installed automatically whenever the package is installed. Package names should follow the package match specifications.

    - python
    - six >=1.8.0

To build a recipe against different versions of NumPy and ensure that each version is part of the package dependencies, list numpy as a requirement in recipe.yaml and use a conda_build_config.yaml file with multiple NumPy versions.

Run constraints#

Packages that are optional at runtime but must obey the supplied additional constraint if they are installed.

Package names should follow the package match specifications.

    - optional-subpackage ==${{ version }}

For example, let's say we have an environment that has package "a" installed at version 1.0. If we install package "b" that has a run_constraints entry of "a >1.0", then mamba would need to upgrade "a" in the environment in order to install "b".

This is especially useful in the context of virtual packages, where the run_constraints dependency is not a package that mamba manages, but rather a virtual package that represents a system property that mamba can't change. For example, a package on Linux may impose a run_constraints dependency on __glibc >=2.12. This is the version bound consistent with CentOS 6. Software built against glibc 2.12 will be compatible with CentOS 6. This run_constraints dependency helps mamba, conda or pixi tell the user that a given package can't be installed if their system glibc version is too old.

Run exports#

Packages may have runtime requirements such as shared libraries (e.g. zlib), which are required for linking at build time, and for resolving the link at run time. With run_exports packages runtime requirements can be implicitly added. run_exports are weak by default, these two requirements for the zlib package are therefore equivalent:

recipe.yaml for zlib
      - ${{ pin_subpackage('libzlib', exact=True) }}
recipe.yaml for zlib
        - ${{ pin_subpackage('libzlib', exact=True) }}

The alternative to weak is strong. For gcc this would look like this:

recipe.yaml for gcc
        - ${{ pin_subpackage('libgcc', exact=True) }}

weak exports will only be implicitly added as runtime requirement, if the package is a host dependency. strong exports will be added for both build and host dependencies. In the following example you can see the implicitly added runtime dependencies.

recipe.yaml of some package using gcc and zlib
      - gcc            # has a strong run export
      - zlib           # has a (weak) run export
      # - libgcc       <-- implicitly added by gcc
      # - libgcc       <-- implicitly added by gcc
      # - libzlib      <-- implicitly added by libzlib

Ignore run exports#

There maybe cases where an upstream package has a problematic run_exports constraint. You can ignore it in your recipe by listing the upstream package name in the ignore_run_exports section in requirements.

You can ignore them by package name, or by naming the runtime dependency directly.

        - zlib

Using a runtime depenedency name:

        - libzlib


ignore_run_exports only applies to runtime dependencies coming from an upstream package.

Tests section#

rattler-build supports four different types of tests. The "script test" installs the package and runs a list of commands. The "Python test" attempts to import a list of Python modules and runs pip check. The "downstream test" runs the tests of a downstream package that reverse depends on the package being built. And lastly, the "package content test" checks if the built package contains the mentioned items.

The tests section is a list of these items:

  - script:
      - echo "hello world"
        - pytest
        - test-data.txt

  - python:
        - bsdiff4
      pip_check: true  # this is the default
  - downstream: numpy

Script test#

The script test has 3 top-level keys: script, files and requirements. Only the script key is required.

Test commands#

Commands that are run as part of the test.

  - script:
      - echo "hello world"
      - bsdiff4 -h
      - bspatch4 -h

Extra test files#

Test files that are copied from the source work directory into the temporary test directory and are needed during testing (note that the source work directory is otherwise not available at all during testing).

You can also include files that come from the recipe folder. They are copied into the test directory as well.

At test execution time, the test directory is the current working directory.

  - script:
      - ls
        - myfile.txt
        - tests/
        - some/directory/pattern*.sh
        - extra-file.txt

Test requirements#

In addition to the runtime requirements, you can specify requirements needed during testing. The runtime requirements that you specified in the "run" section described above are automatically included during testing (because the built package is installed as it regularly would be).

In the build section you can specify additional requirements that are only needed on the build system for cross-compilation (e.g. emulators or compilers).

  - script:
      - echo "hello world"
        - myemulator
        - nose

Python tests#

For this test type you can list a set of Python modules that need to be importable. The test will fail if any of the modules cannot be imported.

The test will also automatically run pip check to check for any broken dependencies. This can be disabled by setting pip_check: false in the YAML.

  - python:
        - bsdiff4
        - bspatch4
      pip_check: true  # can be left out because this is the default

Internally this will write a small Python script that imports the modules:

import bsdiff4
import bspatch4

Check for package contents#

Checks if the built package contains the mentioned items. These checks are executed directly at the end of the build process to make sure that all expected files are present in the package.

  - package_contents:
      # checks for the existence of files inside $PREFIX or %PREFIX%
      # or, checks that there is at least one file matching the specified `glob`
      # pattern inside the prefix
        - etc/libmamba/test.txt
        - etc/libmamba
        - etc/libmamba/*.mamba.txt

      # checks for the existence of `mamba/api/` inside of the
      # Python site-packages directory (note: also see Python import checks)
        - mamba.api

      # looks in $PREFIX/bin/mamba for unix and %PREFIX%\Library\bin\mamba.exe on Windows
      # note: also check the `commands` and execute something like `mamba --help` to make
      # sure things work fine
        - mamba

      # searches for `$PREFIX/lib/` or `$PREFIX/lib/libmamba.dylib` on Linux or macOS,
      # on Windows for %PREFIX%\Library\lib\mamba.dll & %PREFIX%\Library\bin\mamba.bin
        - mamba

      # searches for `$PREFIX/include/libmamba/mamba.hpp` on unix, and
      # on Windows for `%PREFIX%\Library\include\libmamba\mamba.hpp`
        - libmamba/mamba.hpp

Downstream tests#


Downstream tests are not yet implemented in rattler-build.

A downstream test can mention a single package that has a dependency on the package being built. The test will install the package and run the tests of the downstream package with our current package as a dependency.

Sometimes downstream packages do not resolve. In this case, the test is ignored.

  - downstream: numpy

Outputs section#

Explicitly specifies packaging steps. This section supports multiple outputs, as well as different package output types. The format is a list of mappings.

When using multiple outputs, certain top-level keys are "forbidden": package and requirements. Instead of package, a top-level recipe key can be defined. The is ignored but the recipe.version key is used as default version for each output. Other "top-level" keys are merged into each output (e.g. the about section) to avoid repetition. Each output is a complete recipe, and can have its own build, requirements, and test sections.

  # the recipe name is ignored
  name: some
  version: 1.0

  - package:
      # version is taken from recipe.version (1.0)
      name: some-subpackage

  - package:
      name: some-other-subpackage
      version: 2.0

Each output acts like an independent recipe and can have their own script, build_number, and so on.

  - package:
      name: subpackage-name

Each output is built independently. You should take care of not packaging the same files twice.

Subpackage requirements#

Like a top-level recipe, a subpackage may have zero or more dependencies listed as build, host or run requirements.

The dependencies listed as subpackage build requirements are available only during the packaging phase of that subpackage.

  - package:
      name: subpackage-name
        - some-dep
        - some-dep

You can also use the pin_subpackage function to pin another output from the same recipe.

  - package:
      name: libtest
  - package:
      name: test
        - ${{ pin_subpackage('libtest', max_pin='x.x') }}

The outputs are topologically sorted by the dependency graph which is taking the pin_subpackage invocations into account. When using pin_subpackage(name, exact=True) a special behavior is used where the name package is injected as a "variant" and the variant matrix is expanded appropriately. For example, when you have the following situation, with a variant_config.yaml file that contains openssl: [1, 3]:

  - package:
      name: libtest
        - openssl
  - package:
      name: test
        - ${{ pin_subpackage('libtest', exact=True) }}

Due to the variant config file, this will build two versions of libtest. We will also build two versions of test, one that depends on libtest (openssl 1) and one that depends on libtest (openssl 3).

About section#

Specifies identifying information about the package. The information displays in the package server.

  license: BSD-3-Clause # (1)!
  license_file: LICENSE
  summary: binary diff and patch using the BSDIFF4-format
  description: |
    Long description of bsdiff4 ...
  1. Only the SPDX specifiers are allowed, more info here: SPDX If you want another license type LicenseRef-<YOUR-LICENSE> can be used, e.g. license: LicenseRef-Proprietary

License file#

Adds a file containing the software license to the package metadata. Many licenses require the license statement to be distributed with the package. The filename is relative to the source or recipe directory. The value can be a single filename or a YAML list for multiple license files. Values can also point to directories with license information. Directory entries must end with a / suffix (this is to lessen unintentional inclusion of non-license files; all the directory's contents will be unconditionally and recursively added).

    - vendor-licenses/

Extra section#

A schema-free area for storing non-conda-specific metadata in standard YAML form.

Example: To store recipe maintainers information
   - name of maintainer

Templating with Jinja#

rattler-build supports limited Jinja templating in the recipe.yaml file.

You can set up Jinja variables in the context section:

  name: "test"
  version: "5.1.2"
  # later keys can reference previous keys
  # and use jinja functions to compute new values
  major_version: ${{ version.split('.')[0] }}

Later in your recipe.yaml you can use these values in string interpolation with Jinja:

  url:${{ name }}/v${{ version }}.tar.gz

Jinja has built-in support for some common string manipulations.

In rattler-build, complex Jinja is completely disallowed as we try to produce YAML that is valid at all times. So you should not use any {% if ... %} or similar Jinja constructs that produce invalid YAML. Furthermore, instead of plain double curly brackets Jinja statements need to be prefixed by $, e.g. ${{ ... }}:

  name: {{ name }}   # WRONG: invalid yaml
  name: ${{ name }} # correct

For more information, see the Jinja template documentation and the list of available environment variables env-vars.

Jinja templates are evaluated during the build process.

Additional Jinja2 functionality in rattler-build#

Besides the default Jinja2 functionality, additional Jinja functions are available during the rattler-build process: pin_compatible, pin_subpackage, and compiler.

The compiler function takes c, cxx, fortran and other values as argument and automatically selects the right (cross-)compiler for the target platform.

  - ${{ compiler('c') }}

The pin_subpackage function pins another package produced by the recipe with the supplied parameters.

Similarly, the pin_compatible function will pin a package according to the specified rules.

Pin expressions#

rattler-build knows pin expressions. A pin expression can have a min_pin, max_pin and exact value. A max_pin and min_pin are specified with a string containing only x and ., e.g. max_pin="x.x.x" would signify to pin the given package to <1.2.3 (if the package version is 1.2.2, for example).

A pin with min_pin="x.x",max_pin="x.x" for a package of version 1.2.2 would evaluate to >=1.2.2,<1.2.3.

If exact=true, then the hash is included, and the package is pinned exactly, e.g. ==1.2.2 h1234. This is a unique package variant that cannot exist more than once, and thus is "exactly" pinned.

Pin subpackage#

Pin subpackage refers to another package from the same recipe file. It is commonly used in the build/run_exports section to export a run export from the package, or with multiple outputs to refer to a previous build.

It looks something like:

  name: mypkg
  version: "1.2.3"

    # this will evaluate to `mypkg <1.3`
    - ${{ pin_subpackage(name, max_pin='x.x') }}

Pin compatible#

Pin compatible lets you pin a package based on the version retrieved from the variant file (if the pinning from the variant file needs customization).

For example, if the variant specifies a pin for numpy: 1.11, one can use pin_compatible to relax it:

    # this will select nupy 1.11
    - numpy
    # this will export `numpy >=1.11,<2`, instead of the stricter `1.11` pin
    - ${{ pin_compatible('numpy', min_pin='x.x', max_pin='x') }}

The env Jinja functions#

You can access the current environment variables using the env object in Jinja.

There are three functions:

  • env.get("ENV_VAR") will insert the value of "ENV_VAR" into the recipe.
  • env.get("ENV_VAR", default="undefined") will insert the value of ENV_VAR into the recipe or, if ENV_VAR is not defined, the specified default value (in this case "undefined")
  • env.exists("ENV_VAR") returns a boolean true of false if the env var is set to any value

This can be used for some light templating, for example:

  string: ${{ env.get("GIT_BUILD_STRING") }}_${{ PKG_HASH }}

match function#

This function matches the first argument (the package version) against the second argument (the version spec) and returns the resulting boolean. This only works for packages defined in the "variant_config.yaml" file.

match(python, '>=3.4')

For example, you could require a certain dependency only for builds against python 3.4 and above:

    - if: match(python, '>=3.4')
        - some-dep

With a corresponding variant config that looks like the following:

python: ["3.2", "3.4", "3.6"]

Example: match usage example

cdt function#

This function helps add Core Dependency Tree packages as dependencies by converting packages as required according to hard-coded logic.

# on x86_64 system
cdt('package-name') # outputs: package-name-cos6-x86_64
# on aarch64 system
cdt('package-name') # outputs: package-name-cos6-aarch64

Example: cdt usage example

Preprocessing selectors#

You can add selectors to any item, and the selector is evaluated in a preprocessing stage. If a selector evaluates to true, the item is flattened into the parent element. If a selector evaluates to false, the item is removed.

Selectors can use if ... then ... else as follows:

  - if: not win
      - url: http://path/to/unix/source
      - url: http://path/to/windows/source

# or the equivalent with two if conditions:

  - if: unix
      - url: http://path/to/unix/source
  - if: win
      - url: http://path/to/windows/source

A selector is a valid Python statement that is executed. You can read more about them in the "Selectors in recipes" chapter.

The use of the Python version selectors, py27, py34, etc. is discouraged in favor of the more general comparison operators. Additional selectors in this series will not be added to conda-build.

Because the selector is any valid Python expression, complicated logic is possible:

- if: unix and not win
  then: ...
- if: (win or linux) and not py27
  then: ...

Lists are automatically "merged" upwards, so it is possible to group multiple items under a single selector:

  - script:
    - if: unix
      - test -d ${PREFIX}/include/xtensor
      - test -f ${PREFIX}/lib/cmake/xtensor/xtensorConfigVersion.cmake
    - if: win
      - if not exist %LIBRARY_PREFIX%\include\xtensor\xarray.hpp (exit 1)
      - if not exist %LIBRARY_PREFIX%\lib\cmake\xtensor\xtensorConfigVersion.cmake (exit 1)

# On unix this is rendered to:
  - script:
    - test -d ${PREFIX}/include/xtensor
    - test -f ${PREFIX}/lib/cmake/xtensor/xtensorConfigVersion.cmake

Experimental features#


These are experimental features of rattler-build and may change or go away completely.

Jinja functions#