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CLI Usage#

Shell Completions#

We support shell completions through clap-complete. You can generate them for your shell using the completion command.

You can add the completions to your shell by adding the following to your shell's configuration file.

# For bash (add this to ~/.bashrc)
eval "$(rattler-build completion --shell=bash)"
# For zsh (add this to ~/.zshrc)
eval "$(rattler-build completion --shell=zsh)"
# For fish (add this to ~/.config/fish/
rattler-build completion --shell=fish | source

Ensure that whereever you install the is pointed to by your FPATH (for zsh or equivalent in other shells). Now you can use TAB or your configured completion key. :3

$ rattler-build <TAB>
build    -- Build a package
help     -- Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
rebuild  -- Rebuild a package
test     -- Test a package

## Package format

You can specify the package format (either `.tar.bz2` or `.conda`) by using the `--package-format` flag.
You can also set the compression level with `:<level>` after the package format. The `<level>` can be `max`, `min`, `default` or a number corresponding to the compression level.
`.tar.bz2` supports compression levels between `1` and `9` while `.conda` supports compression levels between `-7` and `22`.
For `.conda`, you can also set the `--compression-threads` flag to specify the number of threads to use for compression.

# default
rattler-build build --package-format tarbz2 -r recipe/recipe.yaml
# maximum compression with 10 threads
rattler-build build --package-format conda:max --compression-threads 10 -r recipe/recipe.yaml